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Re: HTTP "Referer" field considered harmful

On Mon, 24 Apr 1995, Prentiss Riddle wrote:

> As a webmeister, I like the idea behind the Referer field and plan to
> make more use of it to determine what sites are pointing at mine.
> Perhaps the real problem lies in assuming that URLs will remain secret
> and therefore assuming that they are an appropriate mechanism for
> passing secrets or performing session authentication.

The http spec has (and has had) this to say about it:

       Note: Because the source of a link may be considered private
       information or may reveal an otherwise secure information
       source, it is strongly recommended that the user be able to
       select whether or not the Referer field is sent. For
       example, a browser client could have a toggle switch for
       browsing openly/anonymously, which would respectively
       enable/disable the sending of Referer and From information.

I am unaware of any browsers that implement this option (not to say that 
none do, but if it exists on any that I use, it's well hidden.) This is 
far from a complete solution, because it relies on the user not to 
redistribute the URL rather than keeping it under the control of the 
server.  It is part and parcel in the protocol that the user must know the 
URL, though, because the browser had to open to it in the first place.  
Thus you are correct that assuming a URL will remain secret is inherently 

Paul Phillips       EMAIL: psp@ucsd.edu       PHONE: (619) 220-0850 
WWW: http://www.primus.com/staff/paulp/         FAX: (619) 220-0873
